Thursday, July 15, 2010

Egleston Day 25/26 - Full Feeds!

Enjoying some tunes during my hearing screen!

What your freezer looks like after 1 month of pumping!
Avery is now up to full feeds! She is taking 60 mls of milk now and loving it! She is alot less fussy now that her belly is full. We are also doing well with the breast feeding. We give her the bottle first to make sure that she gets at least 60mls then she latches on. I think the plan is for me to exclusively breastfeed beginning either today or tommorow, I will know the plan when I get to the hospital.
Avery passed her hearing screen! So that is one more thing to check off the list before home. She is also got taken off of her hyperal and lipids which was her nutrition before eating. She still has the PICC line with saline to keep it open, but she may get to lose that in a few days! Now that Avery is up to full feeds, the reflux is beginning to be a problem, so they started her on prevacid. It seems to help so far and hopefully this is the only intervention she will need for that. The only sad thing is that Avery has to have another sleep study done, not because they think anything is wrong, they just have to prove that the apnea problem is gone before she goes home. I am dreading this test, she hated it the last time and I hate that she has to go through it again. Maybe now it won't seem so bad now that she is eating, we'll see....


  1. Wow, that is a treasure, all that milk. It will make going on dates, etc. very nice. Not that you will want to leave home for a while once you have that sweet girl there, I know that will be super exciting.

  2. Ha Ha...that freezer is so funny. We went to Mexico for a week without Michael and I took a small cooler of milk to my parents house. I thought that was a lot...guess not!!
