Sunday, June 20, 2010

Egleston Day 3 - Happy Father's Day!

Lance got to change his very first diaper today, on Father's Day! He did such a great job and made it look so easy, even with all her lines and tubes. Avery had a great day. She looks really good, her skin is more pink and she was really alert. She did get her PICC line, which is a special catheter line for medications, but the only place they could find a good vein was the right side of her head. So... she got her first haircut where they had to shave it to put the line in. She likes her new hairdo!

We got to hold her for the first time!!!! She spent about an hour with each of us and slept most of the time. She seemed really content and when we put her back in her bed, she was awake for about 15 minutes and just looked at us and played with us, it was really cool!

The plan for the day tomorrow is to get extubated and get Avery breathing on her own, so we will keep our fingers crossed that she doesn't have any problems with that.

We continue to be so impressed with Egleston. We love the nurses and everyone is so helpful and happy and we feel really well about everyone taking care of our daughter. We hope everyone had a great Father's Day! Update again soon...


  1. Yay for getting to hold Avery! PS--"she-mohawks" are all the rage right now--just look at Rhianna! :-) Avery is very stylish!

  2. I agree with Kelly (above)-she does look like Rhianna! Very hip!! Glad to see that she's doing well. She looks so alert & we just need to get rid of that tube in her mouth :) Again, Courtney, what is the freekin secret?! Maybe I will have a baby after all if I can look as good as you post-partum!

  3. The similarities between Erin Muller and Avery Muller continue to amaze me. We were able to hold Erin for the first time on day 3. Very happy for you guys. What a great Father's Day :-)
