Friday, August 13, 2010

Egleston Again Day 10/11

I love this six flags ride!

Stare down with my elepahant

Gettin' chubby, look at my double chin!

I love milk!
As you can see Avery finally got to eat yesterday!!! She was so excited, she got 10 ml of milk and hopefully today at the noon feeding it will go up to 20. After I gave her the bottle she, of course, wanted more so I gave her the pacifier to calm her down and she just sucked so hard on her paci trying to get more milk out. It was the cutest/saddest thing! She is still pretty calm despite the fact that she isn't eating very much. She continues to have bowel movements, which is a great sign. Avery is going to have another xray today to make sure everything looks ok after eating 24 hours. Avery now weighs 7lbs 13oz! Hopefully we can just keep slowly increasing her feeds and she can sleep in her own bed soon!


  1. Thank you for the continued updates. We're rooting for you Avery!

  2. She looks as beautiful as ever! Love her double chin!! Glad you guys are making progress again...hope to see pics of you at home soon : ]

  3. Yay! Great news! Glad to hear she's progressing. I love the "Six Flags" pic above...too cute! Hope she continues to get better and will get to go home soon. Love y'all!

  4. Yay, Go Avery!!! Woo hoo! Keep up the good work! We're so proud of you! We love you so much!

    Aunt Pam, Uncle Brett and Cousin Matt
