Sunday, August 8, 2010

Egleston Again Day 6/7

Go Dawgs!
The only way to keep the pacifier in my mouth!

Avery is continuing to make progress! She is now in a regular crib; she is able to control her temperature so she doesn't need the bed with the warmer. She also pullled out her oral tube overnight and the doctor said lets just try it without the tube and see how she does. Hopefully she will be a little happier without the tube, it will make it easier to suck on the pacifier, which she loves doing. She weighs 7 lbs 10 oz now which is good, because when we went to the ER she had lost weight all the way down to 7 lbs. Sounds like the plan is to get antibiotics until Wednesday, they will probably start feeds on Wednesday as well. Avery is handling all of this so well, she is such a trooper. She is having a harder time calming down because she is so hungry, so she is getting Ativan, a medicine to help calm her down. She is super sensitive to any medicine, so I have asked for the lowest dose possible and it seems to be doing the trick to calm her down but not completely snow her. I imagine when she starts eating we can stop this medicine. This poor little thing has had more medicine in her and more procedures done to her than Lance and I put together in our whole lives! We are so proud of her! Hopefully on the next post I can say that she is eating!


  1. Hang in there Mom and Dad. We were in Texas this past week so I had no idea this was going on. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. It sounds like Avery has everything under control again and is healing well. She's a fighter and an amazing little girl. The day will come when you look at a thriving little girl playing with her friends and you'll look back on these days with wonder and amazement.

  2. You've got a large team of O'Briens praying for your beautiful baby girl. Sounds like Avery's got a great fighting spirit. Many blessings!

    Paul & Marin O'Brien
    Woodbridge, Virginia

  3. Glad to see the progress!

    Donisa Page

  4. Avery is such a cutie. I've been keeping everyone updated with your blog at work. Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers!
