Monday, June 21, 2010

Egleston Day 4 - Avery's breathing on her own!

Avery had a great day today! When we got to the NICU this morning, she was already extubated and breathing normally on room air! She doesn’t even need oxygen.

She had a lot of firsts today too. We got to hear her cry, hiccup, sneeze, and coo. She also was able to use the pacifier for the first time. She got rid of all of her lines, except the PICC line and the tube going into her stomach.

She is doing so well, she gets to graduate to the transition/step-down unit tomorrow! It is still considered the NICU, but it isn’t as critical and we can stay longer with her and even spend the night with her!

It is amazing how much she has changed everyday. We love her so much and can’t wait to hang out with her all day. She still loves to bring her left hand up to her chin and really loves being held. She sleeps when we hold her and when we put her back down we get a good 10-15 minutes of alert time where she just looks at us and coos and smiles, it is such a great feeling.
We are looking forward to our new room tomorrow and can’t wait to see what else Avery will do! Thank you again to everyone for all the prayers and well wishes. Please keep them coming, Avery is doing so great because of all of you


  1. thank you so much for sharing this with us! TImmy and I just read all of them and looked at all of your pictures!! How beautiful! You both looks so happy and positive! So much love from us down here!!!
    Carrie and Tim!!!

  2. Breathing on her own! She is blowing through her hurdles. I'm telling you, that girl will be out of there soon. The next hurdle is getting rid of the tube to the stomach. I'm willing to bet they pull that within the week. My bet is on them trying to do her first feeding around day 7 :-) She looks amazing. Very healthy. Very beautiful.

  3. She is so beautiful. I mean, I always new you two would have good lookin' kids but she is days old and already a beauty! Not only is she gorgeous, she's so strong. Hang in there, she'll be home soon.

  4. We're so happy she's doing so well. Thanks so much for taking the time to share the pictures and updates. She really is so beautiful and we can't wait to meet her!

  5. You all look so great!! Very happy to hear she's doing so well. :) You're so good for doing daily updates with all you've got going on!

  6. Awesome update! Love the hair bow :) She's such a beauty, glad to hear she's doing so well too!

  7. OK, I think she is adorable! You and Lance definitely make a beautiful baby! And explain to me how you look so good? :-)

    I'm so glad that she is doing well. We'll still keep praying for ya'll.

    These are great pictures!

  8. Great news! She is beautiful! Courtney I love the pic in this post of you and her with her cute little bow on her head. :) Glad to hear the good news and we'll keep praying for her continued strength and recovery!
